Home » The House Ethics Committee’s Fraud Is Exposed

The House Ethics Committee’s Fraud Is Exposed

by John Jefferson
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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been harassed for years on baseless accusations of sexual misconduct. Even the Justice Department (DOJ), which Gaetz eviscerates at any chance he gets for the politicized nature of its prosecutorial stances, cleared him of wrongdoing. 

And yet the House Ethics Committee continues to probe him. They want to kick him out of Congress. This probe is in part led by Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH), who donated to Gaetz’s primary opponent just a few months ago. 

Let’s be clear about what’s going on here—entrenched interests are conducting an investigation with the sole purpose of expelling a Congressman who stands up against endless wars, unconstitutional spying, and wasteful spending. Gaetz has shown the spine to fight for these ideals even if it means taking on his own party. 

If you have any doubt about how sinister this all is, it has now been proven that the DOJ was behind the 2021 leak to the New York Times that launched this whole witch hunt. Gaetz revealed this information last week along with other details on the contrived basis for this probe. 

In a final response to the Ethics Committee, Gaetz wrote in part that he is in possession of a recording of the Committee’s star witness, Joel Greenberg, “from prison wherein he claims the DOJ told him that the New York Times piece put him in ‘golden position.’”

The DOJ used Greenberg, who is currently imprison after conviction on charges of underage sex trafficking and fraud, to try to take down Gaetz. 

We know this with certainty because Greenberg told a fellow inmate that he planned to lie about Gaetz “having sexual contact with a minor to reduce his own prison sentence.” That other inmate sent a letter to Gaetz, and two former federal agents interviewed the inmate. As that inmate relayed, Greenberg said that his “victim would be willing to adopt Greenberg’s lie in hopes of a future financial benefit.” Gaetz has “provided written evidence that, according to plan, she later sought that benefit.”

Greenberg went so far as to pay for his victim’s attorney. Gaetz has revealed a text message from Greenberg proving this. And another civil lawsuit contains evidence showing Greenberg saying the alleged victim would “do whatever he said because he was paying her legal bills.”

It’s clear now why the Biden DOJ decided not to charge Gaetz even though they had every reason in the world to punish someone who has repeatedly exposed them in public hearings. Their chief witnesses have no credibility. 

Gaetz’s letter to the Ethics Committee last week showed that this “investigation” has devolved into a deeply personal effort to try to embarrass Gaetz. 

The committee provided Gaetz a list of adult women and asked whether he had sex with them. Gaetz replied to the committee’s leadership that “the lawful, consensual, sexual activities of adults are not the business of Congress…. [A]sking about my sexual history as a single man with adult women is a bridge too far. I will no longer voluntarily participate in this regrettable abuse of the Committee.”

It’s unsurprising that the committee would abuse its powers like this. They are acting as the henchmen of the former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy has been on a revenge tour since Gaetz engineered his ouster as House Speaker, and he has continued participating in what seem to be weekly interviews on CNN slandering Gaetz. 

The establishment’s treatment of Gaetz has been both disgusting and reprehensible, and Gaetz’s bravery in the face of this assault has been commendable. 

Keep in mind that the chairman of the Ethics Committee is Rep. Michael Guest (R-MI). Guest has violated stock trading laws, while Gaetz wants to ban congressional stock trading entirely. Gaetz even called out Guest during a speech earlier this year, stating, “For the same reason you don’t let the umpire bet on the game, members of Congress should not be allowed to trade individual stocks. How about the Ethics Committee take up those reforms?”

Don’t hold your breath for an ethics probe into Guest, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), or any of the other congressmen who have gotten rich off their insider knowledge. The purpose of the Ethics Committee isn’t to enforce ethics, it is to use “ethics” as an excuse to punish those members who make leadership uncomfortable. 

It is incumbent on all America First patriots to stand with Rep. Matt Gaetz against this high-tech lynching.

Read the full article here

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