Home » Man allegedly told friend he could ‘dodge a bullet’ then died after being shot

Man allegedly told friend he could ‘dodge a bullet’ then died after being shot

by John Jefferson
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Neighborhood in Kearns, Utah where fatal shooting took place

The Kearns, Utah neighborhood where Dylan Treichel was allegedly shot by his friend, Ashton Jonathon Mann (Google Maps).

A Utah man reportedly told his friend that he could “dodge a bullet” — now he’s dead from a gunshot wound and his friend is being charged with manslaughter.

According to an arrest report obtained by KSTU, a local Fox affiliate, Dylan Treichel, 23, made the claim to his friend Ashton Jonathon Mann, also 23, while the two were hanging out on Feb. 2. Mann told police that he and Treichel were smoking marijuana and playing video games earlier in the evening when the conversation turned to guns. The pair changed venues to a detached garage, where there were two handguns. After Mann said that they unloaded the handguns, Treichel “said he can dodge a bullet.”

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